What You Can Eat When you Get Your Wisdom Teeth Removed

Either is a good choice due to texture and coolness with the option for meal time being a personal preference.
Having your wisdom teeth removed is never fun. The process is usually completed during the late teenage years with dental groups such as Tooth Fairy Smiles providing quality assistance for quick removal and recovery time. Many patients wonder what exactly can be eaten after the surgery that will not be harmful to the former area of the wisdom teeth, as well as what will be comfortable to ingest. Below are a few options to consider after your wisdom teeth surgery.
Ice Cream
A favorite among wisdom teeth surgery patients is ice cream. The smooth texture of the ice cream along with the coldness can be soothing to the area after surgery. Plus, your surgery is a good excuse to eat a bunch of ice cream! It is recommended that you choose plain flavors with no hard pieces of chocolate or candy inside as you need a smooth texture. Soft serve is a wonderful option as it can feel better to some patients than the store bought ice cream.
Jell-O and Pudding
Another favorite is Jell-O or pudding. Either is a good choice due to texture and coolness with the option for meal time being a personal preference. If you like both, have a few flavors on hand so you do not become tired of one flavor.
Hot Foods
Once you are ready to take on hot foods, soup or mashed potatoes are a good choice. Soups such as chicken noodle are a great option for healing as well as taste. If you wish for a heartier food choice, mashed potatoes are the best bet. Be sure to have the potatoes prepared where they are smooth with no lumps that could irritate the area of surgery.
These are just a few of the food items you can have after wisdom teeth surgery. When working with dental groups such as Tooth Fairy Smiles, be sure to ask about the recommended food options so you will be prepared once surgery is over and you return home.