What to Ask for Back to School Checkups

It’s that time of year again; time to gather up the school supplies and make appointments for back to school check-ups. At the top of your list should be your child’s dental checkup and the following questions should be on your list.

Do My Child’s Teeth Look Healthy?

Back to school checkups dentist

During back to school check-ups, the dentist will be looking at the appearance of the child’s teeth, gums, tongue, and the inside of the mouth. Additionally, the alignment of the teeth will be checked, as well as gum health and examination for cavities. The dentist will be able to tell by the overall health of your child’s teeth whether or not they have been properly brushing and flossing. This can be a concern for children, as parents typically let the child take over their dental hygiene at this age. Make sure to ask your dentist whether or not they have any concern for your child’s overall dental health.

Can My Child Have Their Teeth Cleaned Today?

This is a must-ask question for parents, as teeth need to be thoroughly cleaned by a hygienist every six months. While your appointment should entail this, asking is always a good idea to make sure that the cleaning gets done. The hygienist can help remove buildup and bacteria from those hard to reach places on your child’s teeth and gums. Overall, regular cleanings can prevent cavities and other dental issues.

Will My Child Receive X-Rays Today?

Most exams will include an x-ray, but feel free to ask if this is something you want for your child. Dental x-rays help dentists get a better view of the roots of your child’s teeth. They also give the doctors a better view of possible cavities or decay that might not be easily visible otherwise.

My Child Wants to Play Sports. What Can I Do to Protect Their Teeth?

Depending on the sport your child is involved in, there can be potential damage to their teeth if not properly protected. In most cases, a mouth guard will be recommended for contact sports, but speaking to your dentist about this subject is a must for all parents.

What Are Sealants and Does My Child Need Them?

Dental sealants are used to help prevent cavities. Sealants are a thin coating that is applied to the teeth that can help further prevent food and build up in hard to reach areas. Research has shown that sealants can reduce the development of cavities by up to 80%. But, it’s worth noting that they are no substitute for brushing and flossing. Ask your dentist if he thinks your child should have sealants and at what age.

Make an appointment with us today to schedule your child’s back to school check-up. Don’t forget, you’re never fully dressed without a smile- Annie, 1982.
