It is recommended children begin flossing the moment their teeth fit closely together. This may occur at different ages, but most commonly happens between ages two and six. The earlier you can get your child into the habit of flossing, the better you will reinforce this vital practice.
Read more →There’s a lot of information surrounding how your child should brush their teeth, and how to care for their oral hygiene, but what about the vital tool for keeping those teeth strong and healthy? How do you keep a toothbrush clean, and how long before it’s time to replace it with a new one? Toothbrush care and replacement […]
Read more →At Tooth Fairy Smiles, we believe a dentist visit should be a positive experience where children can learn about their oral health. Unfortunately, it can be stigmatized as scary and painful. This causes many children to not like going to the dentist. Here are some great tips for overcoming fear of dentists.
Read more →What To Do If Your Child Chips or Knocks Out a Tooth Dealing with a chipped or knocked out tooth may be a rite of passage for adolescents. As for parents, this could be a more of a traumatic for us than our kids. Although you can’t
Read more →What You Can Eat When you Get Your Wisdom Teeth Removed Having your wisdom teeth removed is never fun. The process is usually completed during the late teenage years with dental groups such as Tooth Fairy Smiles providing quality assistance for quick removal and recovery time. Many
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